

Price lists for madur products

Pricing principles

Our clients are served by our dealers in different countries. All dealers procure our products according to the same price lists signed as WTP price lists (wholesale trade price).
Dealers run an independent pricing policy, and they set prices valid for end customers and set the principles of converting prices into national currency.

Price lists for dealers

For the convenience of our customers, we use two separate WTP price lists for two major world currencies such as EUR and USD. These price lists are signed WTP-EUR and WTP-USD. Thanks to this, price lists do not have to be changed each time the Dollar to Euro exchange rate changes.
Both price lists (in EUR and in USD) are usually revised every six months (in the beginning of august and march) and stay unchanged in between these times. This does not exclude periodic promotions, new products emerging or withdrawal of old ones.
WTP-EUR price lists apply to all dealers in European countries and some other countries that are closely related to Europe. WTP-USD price lists apply to dealers in other countries. Using the Dealer's map , allows finding out which WTP price list is applicable in which country.

Price lists for end users

The end user from any country can also purchase our products directly from our European headquarters (especially when there is no local Dealer in his country).
RTP (retail trade price) price list applies to these type of customers. RTP prices are always given in EUR, and they are higher than corresponding prices in WTP documents.

Changes in price lists

Both price lists (in EUR and in USD) are usually revised every six months (in the beginning of august and march) and stay unchanged in between these times. This does not exclude periodic promotions, new products emerging or withdrawal of old ones.

Names of the price lists

To ease the use of our price lists, they are all divided into several subcategories that include particular type of product.
All the documents are stored in the pdf format.


Summary of pricing grouped by device type

Example of a document's name: WTP-EUR-MAMOS

The name of each price list is made of 3 parts:
 punktor WTP/RTP - type of the prices in the document (prices for a dealer/end user)
 punktor USD/EUR - currency in which particular prices are calculated
 punktor MAMOS - name of the device to which the document refers

1. Price lists for stationary analysers:

mamos analyser: WTP-EUR-MAMOS
CMS-7 analyser: WTP-EUR-CMS7
Photon-S analyser: WTP-EUR-PHOTS

2. Price lists for portable analysers:

GA-12 analyser: WTP-EUR-GA12
GA-12plus analyser: WTP-EUR-GA12p
GA-21plus analyser: WTP-EUR-GA21p
GA-40Tplus analyser: WTP-EUR-GA40Tp
GA-60 analyser: WTP-EUR-GA60

3. Price lists for gas dryers(1):

PGD-100 dryer: WTP-EUR-PGD100

4. Price lists for stationary analyser's accessories:

Stationary analyser's accessories: WTP-EUR-ACCESS

5. Price lists for portable analyser's accessories:

Portable analyser's accessories: WTP-EUR-ACCESP

6. Price lists for other articles:

Other parts: WTP-EUR-OTHERS

(1) - MD3 dryer is an integral part of the maMoS analyser and as such is listed in maMoS price list and in Others price list


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